Intergroup FAQ’s



A central office (or intergroup) is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in a community—just as A.A. groups themselves are partnerships of individuals. A central office is established to carry out certain functions common to all the groups—functions which are best handled by a centralized office—and it is usually maintained, supervised, and supported by these groups in their general interest. It exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.  The Cape Cod Intergroup follows an Article of Purpose and it is as follows:


 The A.A. experience has demonstrated that Intergroup offices are helpful worldwide, and particularly in this area. There are nearly 1000 central/intergroup offices throughout the world, performing vital A.A services. These constitute a network of service outlets and A.A contacts to help carry the A.A. message.  Sometimes, however, central office ventures have bogged down in disputes over money, authority, and like matters— thus becoming less effective in carrying the A.A. message. It’s not always clear why these troubles have come up, but often it’s been because the proper functions of a central office were not clearly explained or understood, or there was some disregard of the principles in A.A.’s Twelve Traditions. So the following suggestions have been made to outline the basic services that we here at  Cape Cod Intergroup offer the AA Fellowship of Cape Cod and the Islands, as well as AA as a whole.

1)  A.A. Inquiries – By providing an Alcoholics Anonymous listing in the local telephone directory, your Intergroup office, or answering service, may receive inquiries from those seeking help. The Intergroup staff will refer the caller to a nearby A.A. group, where individual may begin their AA experience. Without this service many people would not have the initial contact with an AA representative, and would not receive the vital information needed.

The office personnel or on-call staff keeps a meeting list and phone numbers to local detox that can be given to the caller if necessary.  The on call staff or office personnel will direct the caller to the next available AA meeting in their area if asked, and or to our information website if they have on-line capabilities.

2)  An Informational Website –Many local A.A. offices now have their own Web site.   Cape Cod Intergroup provides an informational website that the newcomer, visitors or AA member, can find information on a variety of topics.  The website is supported by the donations of the AA groups through their 7th Tradition contributions.  The   Cape Cod Intergroup website has the local updated AA meeting list of the Cape & Island groups plus  links to other informative websites.

3) Office Facilities – Cape Cod Intergroup maintains a conveniently located office in which paid workers and/or volunteers are available to carry the message of A.A. to the alcoholic.  The office houses a fully stocked bookstore and through the support of the area groups allows the office to keep book prices as low as possible.  The office also supplies groups with other items for group or personal needs.

4) Meeting Lists and Other Literature – At regular intervals, usually twice a year, the Cape Cod Intergroup will publish and distribute up-to-date lists of meetings in the Cape & Islands and other information about local A.A. services.  Cape Cod Intergroup maintains the Meeting List and makes all corrections or changes to the Meeting List for all groups on the Cape & Islands.  The meeting list is then sold to the groups in order to be self-supporting for re-printing costs.  Group change forms are available in the Intergroup office and can be filled out by the group Chairperson, Intergroup Rep, or GSR.   Cape Cod Intergroup also supplies a selection of non-AA items for the individual AA member to purchase.

5) Information Exchange and Monthly Intergroup Meeting –  Cape Cod Intergroup also serves the AA Fellowship as the Voice of Cape Cod local AA with the circulation and exchange of information among all the A.A. groups in the community as well as the Area Service Committees. This exchange of information can be found during the once a month Intergroup meeting.  The Cape Cod Intergroup meeting is held on the 1st  Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Intergroup office at the Federated Church (downstairs) at 320 Main Street in Hyannis, MA.  In this same connection, a logical function of your Intergroup office is to provide information for the groups such as meeting changes, flyers, anniversaries, special events, AA related events, events outside Cape Cod, and much more.

6)   Cape Cod Intergroup’s SOBER TIMES Newsletter – The SOBER TIMES is an informational newsletter for the Cape & Islands groups.  It provides meeting changes, upcoming events, stories, updated Area information, and informative reading for the individual member to enjoy.

7) Local A.A. Events – Cape Cod Intergroup participates in many of the AA events that are put on in Cape Cod and if your group wants your next event included on the website then contact the Office or send an email to via the website.


Here are the methods to financing Western Mass Intergroup

1)  Group Contributions – A.A. groups participating in the financial support of their Intergroup office may choose to make their contributions by setting aside fixed sums from their regular collections. Many groups pledge a fixed amount, which is paid periodically. This assures Intergroup of a regular income, and certainly helps it to plan the best means of meeting its own obligations.

Occasionally there are groups that do not support Intergroup. In these cases, the spirit of contributing voluntarily, which prevails throughout A.A., applies. If groups can’t or choose not to make a contribution, then they should not be denied the services of the office.

2)  Special Contributions – Some groups provide a special collection box or basket in a convenient place during meeting times, inviting members to contribute. In that same vein, A.A. members may make individual contributions, on a pledge or voluntary basis, directly to  Cape Cod Intergroup.  Also, many A.A.s make contributions to their intergroup office in celebration of their A.A. birthday or anniversary.

3) Sale of Literature – Cape Cod Intergroup publishes a meeting list for the Cape & Islands.  These are sold at a minimal earned income to help defray office expenses and re-printing costs.  Intergroup also buys literature and pamphlets from G.S.O. for resale at a retail price, the earned incomes are used to support the vital services of your Intergroup office supplies.


Cape Cod Intergroup has fallen on hard times in the past, like other central offices, especially in tougher economic times.  There are many individuals to thank for bringing the treasury back to where it is today.  We as AA members are grateful for the effort and dedication the Fellowship has shown to help Intergroup to continue to spread the message of AA.

When these accounts are healthy, the costs of literature remain stable or can be lowered in price.  The donations to the office certainly help to establish the literature prices and services to the AA Fellowship.

With the donations of the Cape Cod & Islands  groups,  Cape Cod Intergroup is able to keep the vital services going that help the newcomer and visitors who are seeking the AA message.  Without your local Intergroup this certainly would become an overwhelming concern.

Donations to the Cape Cod Intergroup – you may make your check out to:
Cape Cod Intergroup Office
396 Main St., Box 662, Hyannis MA 02601


We invite you to visit your Cape Cod Intergroup Office during normal business hours.  Intergroup hopes that you’ll see where personal & group donations are going to help pass the AA message to those in need.  Intergroup thanks you for taking the time to read this informational package and Intergroup hopes you have a better understanding of the way Cape Cod Intergroup works for you and your group.

A note from Jack M., the Chairman of the Steering Committee, “…there has been a tremendous effort made in the last few years to act as a good steward of the contributions provided to the Intergroup Office, so we can continue to carry the message to the sick and suffering alcoholic.  

The Office moved to a smaller suite in the same building and reduced its monthly rent by over $500 per month.  The Office was able to negotiate with our Internet and phone providers a better rate for our services, which resulted in a $100 per month saving. The Office reduced its available business hours to 4 days a week (Monday -Thursday) which lowered payroll and tax expenses another $500 per month.

The Steering Committee and Intergroup Reps will continue to work with the Office Manager  on other areas that can be reviewed and improved, for example, the savings help defray the cost of upgrading the outdated computer in the office,  upgrade our internet service and copier maintenance agreement and fund the redesigned website with more information for newcomers, local AA group members and visitors  seeking recovery on Cape Cod.”


Cape Cod Intergroup Representative, Jesse M., is available to give a presentation on the functions of the Intergroup Office and to answer any questions the Group may have.  The Intergroup wants Groups to know that they have a voice in how the Intergroup works and we welcome your feedback.

This presentation is offered at Group Business Meetings ONLY, call the office to leave a message for Jesse M. to schedule your Group’s presentation.


 The 1st Legacy to AA is Recovery, which is embodied in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, in the Steps and in Person to Person 12th Step Work.

The 2nd Legacy to AA is Unity.  This Bill had realized when he said, “We can do together what I cannot do alone” It was vital that AA’s stay together.  To insure Unity, Bill has written the 12 Traditions.

The 3rd Legacy to AA is Service.  The General Service Conference is the means by which the Fellowship is autonomous, operating through the instrument of a truly democratic, representational, elected form of self-government.

As defined by Bill W., “…an AA service is anything whatever helps us to reach a fellow sufferer – ranging all the way from the 12th Step itself to a phone call & a cup of coffee, and to AA’s General Service Office for national and international action”  – Thank You